
Uncle Pritch

Uncle Pritch worked at CK from 1910 to 1965. An amazing length of time – and an amazing man. Below are  some emails from his granddaughter that should be interesting to all who knew him.

My grandfather was Herman (Uncle Pritch) Pritchard. If you don’t recognize the name – he was well known at Kennebec from 1910 – 1965!  All of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren are still very devoted to Kennebec.  We still vacation on Salmon Lake!  I would be VERY interested in getting a copy of “The History of Camp Kennebec” that Frances Fox Sandmel wrote in 1973.  Would you know where I ocoud get one?
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give me.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you so much for your note!  When I was browsing the Camp Kennebec website yesterday, I saw that I could download the book that Frances wrote.  However, this is one I would like to have in “hard copy”.  I have Louis Fleisher’s book – think I found it on CraigsList.  When I have time, I plan to look at some of the yearbooks.  One of my cousins still has the paddle that Gramp “borrowed” in 1913 and returned many years later!  Kennebec put an engraved brass plaque on the paddle stating what Pritch had done and gave it back to him!
I would dearly love it if you could send me a “hard copy” of “The History of Camp Kennebec”.

In 1910, , Gramp was walking across the quad Swarthmore College where he was a student  one night in 1910 when a friend of his called out from his dorm window “Hey Pritch, you want to go to Maine for the summer and get paid for it?” !!  Gramp thought that sounded like a fine idea and his first summer at Kennebec was 1910.  The rest, as they say, is history!!  He was so devoted to camp.  He and my grandmother met while canoeing on Salmon Lake and my parents met at Wheelers House Keeping Camps across the lake.  As I said, my siblings and I still vacation at Wheeler’s and Kennebec will always be in our hearts!  My older brother has the boat and motor that was given to Uncle Pritch years ago and it goes in the water every summer.  What fun!
Thanks for signing me up for the website.  I have been perusing yearbooks this morning.  Now it’s time to get back to work!

West Coast Reunion

Hey are there any Kennebec alum on the west coast?  possibly LA or the OC? Please respond and would love to hear back.  Andy Mars

Dan Alexander to be on National TV on 12/29/10

Dan Alexander will be on Parker Spitzer December 29, 2010 at 8 pm.  Spitzer will be interviewing Dan as a significant person in his life when Spitzer was at Horace Mann.  You may recall that Dan was head soccer coach at Horrace Mann for many years.

Trip to Maine and Annual Mid Summer Reunion

Kennebecers—I just returned from a week in Maine—-80-90 degrees and NO HUMIDITY….perfect weather!  Spent three days in the Moose River Valley at Attean Lake Lodge (    For those who took the Moose River trip in the 60s and probably 70’s, Attean Lake Lodge was where we left supplies as we took the Moose River Bow.  We then picked them up before we continued down the river.  Linda and I did white water rafting on the Kennebec…..WOW!  Have now stayed at that resort twice……it’s really a wonderful place and I recommend it highly…..climb Mount Sally, canoe to Holeb Falls, enjoy the beaches on the uninhabited Attean Lake.  Go to sleep to a symphony of loons!  Incredible.

Then went to Belgrade and met up with Mal Dawson.  We drove to Skowhegan where we met the current owner of the “Kennebus”…the 1950 Chevrolet Wood sided bus that transported many of us on trips.  It is being restored and looks great.  Even has “The Kennebec Camps” lettering on the doors.  I’ve uploaded some pictures of it to the photos section of the website.  Enjoy the views.

Saturday night was the annual reunion of those Kennebecers who still have homes on Salmon Lake and nearby areas, and a few of us who journey there for the annual summer soiree.  Excellent evening….a bit smaller group than last year….people had conflicts.  Among others saw Dan Alexander, Mal Dawson, Hal Weisbein,Bob Rader,Bruce Tumper, Curt Lakin, one of the Kendigs (can’t keep them straight!), Charlie Sandmel, David Sandmel, Ed Morris, Pete Geiger, Moxie Rogers, and more.  Great time….you all should try it.

Join me and raise your glass to our wonderful memories!!

It’s Summer Again

Just a nostalgic note…..the last week of June is here.  It used to be the third Thursday in June that we all journeyed to North Belgrade for our wonderful summers there.  The years are long past, but the memories are still fresh for many of us.  Last week I had the priviledge of delivering “The Camper Sermon” to a new camp in North Carolina.  Remember C-ompanship, A-ccuracy, M-odesty, P-urity, E-nthusiasm, R-reverence?  A piece of Kennebec lives on……

To all….have a great summer.

Richard Blumenthal to run for US Senate

On January 6, 2010, Richard Blumenthal-camper (First Section 1961), and counselor in subsequent years, announced that he will run for the US Senate from Connecticut.  Richard has served as Connecticut’s Attorney General since 1990 and has an execllent reputation.